Welcome to Parke County FairEntry! FairEntry works in cooperation with 4-H Online, so projects you entered in 4-H Online will appear in FairEntry. Families will use this data management system to enter projects for the fair. Your username and password are the same as for 4-H Online. Fair Entry will be used to create project labels, check in sheets, judging sheets, show programs, ribbon placings, award placings and more! There are no open class exhibits on this site. You will need to process all the way through the payment feature and HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON when you are done before we see any of your exhibits. There are NO FEES fees collected on this site so the $$ due will be zero. If you have any questions about the process, please call the Extension Office @ 765-569-3176.
If you don't have a 4HOnline account, sign-in with your FairEntry account: